I heard about the Geo Art Cache commissions through contacts made on New Research Trajectories, and wanted to submit a proposal as it just seemed to fit with the work I've been doing with filmmaking mediascapes and offer an opportunity to develop recent experimental walk practice and creative methods of gathering environmental responses from walkers. As part of the research for my PhD I'm interested in how pervasive media can enhance experience of the landscape (and vice versa!), and have focused on 'hidden' sounds and images in previous work.
I'm delighted to have been given one of the four commissions for the project, and looking forward to meeting the other artists involved at our first project meeting next week.
In preparation, I've been talking to colleagues at the Pervasive Media Studio and the Institute of Creative Technologies about possible technical developments. I also attended the Ruskin Rocks conference last week to find out more about lithophones and 'rocks that ring' (some of which have been sourced in the Yorkshire Dales....). The creative response methods are being developed and refined through workshops with volunteers from sixth form and other postgrad research students.
‘Hunter Gatherer’ (working title) is a playful exploration of pervasive media as a treasure hoard to discover and to contribute to as a growing dynamic geo art cache.
People will be invited to contribute their own responses to the landscape using a simple question format, with colour and text reflecting different experiences. The artwork will offer layers of engagement – including a paper-based guide, QR code interaction, GPS-triggered playback for smart phone, web gallery of creative responses.